The Faith Formation program is offered to all children in Kindergarten through 10th grade.
The program runs from Mid-September to the First Sunday in May each year.
Grades K-1, 3-7 use the Pflaum Gospel Weeklies. Each year we build their faith and knowledge from the previous year. Attendance at class each week is important as faith sharing and interacting takes place within the classroom. It is required that students attend each grade level of faith formation classes as they grow in their faith and prepare for their sacraments.
We take pride in working with our children who are preparing for the sacraments of Reconciliation (grade 2) and Eucharist (grade 3). We place an emphasis on the family coming together to prepare as well as celebrating these wonderful moments in their children's lives. The Christ Our Life series is used in addition to others resources in sacramental preparation for both sacraments.
In grade 8 as they begin the pre-confirmation preparation, we use part of the Chosen Program as well as Venture. In Grade 9, year one Confirmation preparation we use Altarations with the Chosen Program. In Grade 10, Confirmation year 2; the Chosen program is completed along with additional resources used for final preparation for the sacrament of Confirmation. It is through this process that students become engaged and active in their faith journey!
Students are asked to complete a total of 20 service hours - 10 hours in grades 8 and 10 more in grade 9; service both in the parish and local community are encouraged.
Students are given the opportunity to make their own faith commitment through the Sacrament of Confirmation - the reception usually takes place in the Spring of 10th grade.