How to Register for Formed:
- On a browser, please visit
- Enter the parish's zip code and select your parish
- Register with your name and email address
You will be automatically signed into Formed during this Sign Up process.
After this initial registration, when visiting Formed, you will go to (you can also download the Formed App on your cell phone and TV) and click on Sign In, enter your email, then enter your password. (If you do not currently have a password, please choose the Forgot Password option.) Or you may request a sign in code be emailed to you. To do this, click "Try Another Way". Please check you junk/spam folder if the email does not appear in your inbox.
We are happy to answer your questions, and to help you make the most of your Formed subscription. Monday - Friday 9am - 4:30pm CT Phone: 1-800-777-7502 Email: